Wednesday 30 May 2018

The Magpie by marge.

Oh! What an elegant bird
So good to look at,
Wearing his formal clothes
But then,  they make that awful sound
That is so bad to hear.

Oh! What an imposing bird
Did you know, that when
He takes a wife,
it is for life BUT
he is so noisy to hear.

Oh! What an iridescent bird
Known as the Devil’s bird who
Sat on the cross of Christ
And unlike the Dove, shed not a tear.
His shrieks are shrill to hear.

Oh! What a superstitious bird
They collect in trees.
In Nursery Rhyme books we
Count them to see if we are to
Lucky or unlucky!
It is just his sound, so awful to hear,

Magpies, One for sorrow
              Two for joy
              Three for a girl
               Four for a boy
               Five for silver
               Six for gold
               Seven for a secret never to be told
               Eight for a wish
               Nine for a kiss
               Ten for a surprise you should be careful not to miss
               Eleven for health
               Twelve for wealth
               Thirteen beware, it’s the Devil himself.

(We saw 14 in a nearby tree - from our bedroom window.)

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