Sunday 27 January 2019

Spring is on its Way by marge.

It was a surprise for me
when I caught sight of
the tiniest little Snowdrop
Yes, Spring is on its way.

Over the wall the trees
have Catkins on, their tails
blowing and dancing in the wind
Yes, Spring is on its way.

Sunrise is a little earlier,
sunset comes a little later
day time sun is a little higher
Yes, Spring is on its way.

Today, I have noticed
excitement among the birds
as the males begin courtship
Yes, Spring is on its way.

With daylight hours longer
plants are pushing through
my spirits too, are raising
Yes, Spring is on its way.

© Marjorie Lacy Jan 19.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Waiting in the Wing by Emile Pinet.

Sunbeams weave in between
twigs of skeletal trees.
And a web of shadows
dance with each feisty breeze.

A silver sky shimmers
like cheap carnival glass.
And a fickle sun is
too weak for blades of grass.

Snow accumulates on
branches that crack and break.
And bow down to the ground
with the weight of each flake.

Sugar maples run dry
not even one sweet drip.
And snowmen aren’t melting
frozen in Winter's grip.

Spring's not on stage just yet
she's waiting in the wing.
And I can hardly wait
for the flowers, She’ll bring.
Copyright © Emile Pinet

Sunday 20 January 2019

Ancient Routes by Peter Doody.

Ancient Routes by Peter Doody.

Thru ancient banks of ash and briar,
Onwards flowing to never tire,
Passing moor, mine and mill,

Never quiet, never still,
Flows sweet Calder from western streams,
Ever eastward with my dreams,
Older than time, younger than the sky,
No ebb or flow or time or tide,
Natures path thy only guide,
To take thee onward to the Aire,
To flow again over flat terrain,
Flow sweet river flow,
My beautiful river of dreams,
In graceful meandering slumber,
Thy mother there waits for thee
The majestic Mighty Humber.

© Peter Doody.

Thursday 17 January 2019

Through my Window by marge.

I can see the pretty birds
I can see them on the wing
Have you heard
Them when they sing?

Magpies sitting in the sun
Five or six, room for everyone
Small sparrows playing hide and seek
While Fat Pidgeon walks on bad feet.

A daily show that they put on
I love to watch when I can
Little Finches swing as they eat
The seeds the neighbour put out.

Inland seagulls - never seen the sea
Eating bread put out by you and me
Their endless antics provide me fun
Some days, I do get some work done.

“My birds,” are indeed work-stoppers
A free pleasure soothing frayed nerves.
It is good to look through your window
To see what you can see - life's’ free show.

copywrite Marjorie Lacy Jan 19.

Thursday 3 January 2019

Two Swans by marge.

Two Swans.

This morning my husband opened our blinds,
I struggled to lift my sleepy head from the pillow.
Changing my position to upright and open eyes
suddenly, they were wide open, right there in my eye line
two large swans flying with focus and purpose
towards the lake in the next village, they glowed
in the morning sunlight, there upper parts silver
the lower parts bright white, flying streamlined
and in unison. To give you an idea of size,
birds so large, they would not fit into
your oven for roasting. Not that I would.
This is a sight not seen very often but
how it makes your day so special.
To write in your diary, write a poem.
To remember - those two Swans.

©Marjorie Lacy