Thursday 3 January 2019

Two Swans by marge.

Two Swans.

This morning my husband opened our blinds,
I struggled to lift my sleepy head from the pillow.
Changing my position to upright and open eyes
suddenly, they were wide open, right there in my eye line
two large swans flying with focus and purpose
towards the lake in the next village, they glowed
in the morning sunlight, there upper parts silver
the lower parts bright white, flying streamlined
and in unison. To give you an idea of size,
birds so large, they would not fit into
your oven for roasting. Not that I would.
This is a sight not seen very often but
how it makes your day so special.
To write in your diary, write a poem.
To remember - those two Swans.

©Marjorie Lacy

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