Thursday 17 January 2019

Through my Window by marge.

I can see the pretty birds
I can see them on the wing
Have you heard
Them when they sing?

Magpies sitting in the sun
Five or six, room for everyone
Small sparrows playing hide and seek
While Fat Pidgeon walks on bad feet.

A daily show that they put on
I love to watch when I can
Little Finches swing as they eat
The seeds the neighbour put out.

Inland seagulls - never seen the sea
Eating bread put out by you and me
Their endless antics provide me fun
Some days, I do get some work done.

“My birds,” are indeed work-stoppers
A free pleasure soothing frayed nerves.
It is good to look through your window
To see what you can see - life's’ free show.

copywrite Marjorie Lacy Jan 19.

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