Saturday 23 March 2019

When the Knight won his Spurs.

Poem/Children’s Hymn.

Words John Struther,
Music Ralph Vaughn Williams
First appeared on Songs of Praise in 1931.

When a knight won his spurs, in the stories of old,
He was gentle and brave, he was gallant and bold
With a shield on his arm and a lance in his hand,
For God and for valour he rode through the land.

No charger have I, and no sword by my side,
Yet still to adventure and battle, I ride,
Though back into storyland giants have fled,
And the knights are no more and the dragons are dead.

Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed
'Gainst the dragons of anger, the ogres of greed;
And let me set free with the sword of my youth,

From the castle of darkness, the power of the truth.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Leisure by W. H. Davies.

WHAT is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?—
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows:
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Wild Winds in March, 2019 by marge.

We have had a week of high winds,
Courtesy of Storm Gareth.

The row of Silver Birch trees
That I see from my bedroom window
Are ballet dancing: Bending forward
Bending back, their long fronds like
Arching arms, elegantly moving with
The wind, then straighten up to
Reach for the sky.

The poor birds, even the strong
In-flight Magpie is picked up and
Thrown off course. Fat Pigeon stands
No chance, his attempt at straight
Line flying - once the gust is passed,
he plummets unceremoniously,
Flapping his wings trying to
recover his equilibrium.

The sparrows and blue tits, so light,
Are hurled about like confetti at
A wedding. They have little hope of
Recovering themselves, they have
To go where the wind takes them.
I doubt they will have a safe landing
In among the Hazelnut bushes.

Even the clouds at moving at a fast
rate of knots, huge clouds, light feathery
Clouds, black rain clouds, moving from East
To West, behind them the bright blue sky
Rising in the East, the morning sun
Lights up the scene of Storm Gareth
Being forced at long by the Jet Stream.

© Marjorie Lacy, March 2019

Monday 11 March 2019

Prayer by Carol Ann Duffy

Prayer by Carol Ann Duffy.
Some days, although we cannot pray, a prayer
utters itself. So, a woman will lift
her head from the sieve of her hands and stare
at the minims sung by a tree, a sudden gift.
Some nights, although we are faithless, the truth
enters our hearts, that small familiar pain;
then a man will stand stock-still, hearing his youth
in the distant Latin chanting of a train.
Pray for us now. Grade 1 piano scales
console the lodger looking out across
a Midlands town. Then dusk, and someone calls
a child's name as though they named their loss.
Darkness outside. Inside, the radio's prayer -
Rockall. Malin. Dogger. Finisterre.


Friday 8 March 2019

Today is "D" Day by marge.

                              What is “D” Day you may say
let me tell you, my daughter is
getting her new dog - a puppy!
That is making her and family happy.

I am not so sure, but reading the
Breed’s statistics - not for me - she
will grow to a heavy, bulky animal.
One good thing, little brushing needed.

It says “it needs much socialisation,
take the puppy everywhere you go.
expose it to everything, other dogs,
children, traffic, noise and chaos”.

(Sounds like training a Police Horse)
The breed is also happy with own
company, ideal for a busy family.
She will be a dog loyal to them.

Her breed is an ancient one,
Originally from Southern China,
2,000 years of history, a rare dog.
Because of Communist China
Ban on all dogs, few escaped.

The modern dogs came from
Singapore and Hong Kong.
Then to U. K. Breeders and,
today, one comes to my daughter.

It is “D”  Day = Dog Day.

© Marjorie Lacy, March 2019.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Worst Day Ever by 14 year old Dyslexic Schoolgirl

Worst Day Ever.   (Top to bottom = Bad version.)

I am stupid
Nobody would ever say
I have a talent for words
I am meant to be great
That is wrong
I am a failure
That I am a failure
Nobody could ever convince me
I can make it in life.

Worst Day Ever.   (Bottom to Top = Good version.)

I can make it in life
Nobody could ever convince me
That I am a failure
That is wrong
I was meant to be great
I have a talent for words
Nobody would ever say
I am stupid.

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