Sunday 17 March 2019

Wild Winds in March, 2019 by marge.

We have had a week of high winds,
Courtesy of Storm Gareth.

The row of Silver Birch trees
That I see from my bedroom window
Are ballet dancing: Bending forward
Bending back, their long fronds like
Arching arms, elegantly moving with
The wind, then straighten up to
Reach for the sky.

The poor birds, even the strong
In-flight Magpie is picked up and
Thrown off course. Fat Pigeon stands
No chance, his attempt at straight
Line flying - once the gust is passed,
he plummets unceremoniously,
Flapping his wings trying to
recover his equilibrium.

The sparrows and blue tits, so light,
Are hurled about like confetti at
A wedding. They have little hope of
Recovering themselves, they have
To go where the wind takes them.
I doubt they will have a safe landing
In among the Hazelnut bushes.

Even the clouds at moving at a fast
rate of knots, huge clouds, light feathery
Clouds, black rain clouds, moving from East
To West, behind them the bright blue sky
Rising in the East, the morning sun
Lights up the scene of Storm Gareth
Being forced at long by the Jet Stream.

© Marjorie Lacy, March 2019

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