Friday 8 March 2019

Today is "D" Day by marge.

                              What is “D” Day you may say
let me tell you, my daughter is
getting her new dog - a puppy!
That is making her and family happy.

I am not so sure, but reading the
Breed’s statistics - not for me - she
will grow to a heavy, bulky animal.
One good thing, little brushing needed.

It says “it needs much socialisation,
take the puppy everywhere you go.
expose it to everything, other dogs,
children, traffic, noise and chaos”.

(Sounds like training a Police Horse)
The breed is also happy with own
company, ideal for a busy family.
She will be a dog loyal to them.

Her breed is an ancient one,
Originally from Southern China,
2,000 years of history, a rare dog.
Because of Communist China
Ban on all dogs, few escaped.

The modern dogs came from
Singapore and Hong Kong.
Then to U. K. Breeders and,
today, one comes to my daughter.

It is “D”  Day = Dog Day.

© Marjorie Lacy, March 2019.

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