Friday 24 May 2019

Where did my day go to? By marge.

I wake up in the morning
Knowing what to do during the day.

I get up, dressed, set the washing machine going.
When breakfasted, I clean my teeth.
Check I look normal.

I check my emails, facebook,
Then reply to all the messages.

Then, I write my daily poem and
Download it to Wordpress and Blogger.

Before I know it, it is lunchtime,
No housework done, nothing useful done.

We must have lunch, nothing exciting
Hiding in the fridge, sandwiches again?

I sit to drink a coffee, check emails,
Look at facebook, reply to messages.

By now, it is mid afternoon, I remember
I should have hung washing out on the line.

Then I spy, weeds in the garden, I begin
My daily battle with the weeds, which they win.

Weeds can grow quicker than I can remove them.
Oh! Its time I should be cooking an evening meal.

Then it is T.V., time, in my chair, feet up
What will we watch tonight?
Where did my day go to?

©  Marjorie Lacy, May 2019.

Monday 20 May 2019

I Choose to Change, or Not? By marge.

I am fed up with my present self
The feeling that I am left on the shelf.

Sitting in my chair, day by day.
Reading, dozing my life away.

How do I get the energy back?
My brain is mushing, going blank.

Why am I not going walking?
Walking until my feet are hurting.

I could go out in the car,
Go a ride on a bus or train? Nah!

Why I am I not out gardening?
Why are my passions, leaving?

What about the Cinema? No.
I would rather watch T.V. So,

I will stay in my chair,
Where I can remember where I went,
what I did and with who, money spent.

© Marjorie Lacy May 2019.

Saturday 11 May 2019

How Please can I Be? 10th May 2019 by marge.

How pleased can I be?
Today we have been told
Simon Armitage has been
Announced as Poet Laureate.

How pleased can I be?
A Yorkshireman has been given
This huge honour…..

An honorary title,
No pay goes with it
BUT the great benefit of
Being famous for his POETRY.

I have not met him
BUT would like to,
He is impressive as a
Big, Bluff Yorkshireman
You can hear the Millstone Grit
In his voice, see it in his face.

How pleased can I be?
Today we have been told
Simon Armitage has been
Announced as Poet Laureate.

©  Marjorie Lacy.