Friday 24 May 2019

Where did my day go to? By marge.

I wake up in the morning
Knowing what to do during the day.

I get up, dressed, set the washing machine going.
When breakfasted, I clean my teeth.
Check I look normal.

I check my emails, facebook,
Then reply to all the messages.

Then, I write my daily poem and
Download it to Wordpress and Blogger.

Before I know it, it is lunchtime,
No housework done, nothing useful done.

We must have lunch, nothing exciting
Hiding in the fridge, sandwiches again?

I sit to drink a coffee, check emails,
Look at facebook, reply to messages.

By now, it is mid afternoon, I remember
I should have hung washing out on the line.

Then I spy, weeds in the garden, I begin
My daily battle with the weeds, which they win.

Weeds can grow quicker than I can remove them.
Oh! Its time I should be cooking an evening meal.

Then it is T.V., time, in my chair, feet up
What will we watch tonight?
Where did my day go to?

©  Marjorie Lacy, May 2019.

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