Monday 20 May 2019

I Choose to Change, or Not? By marge.

I am fed up with my present self
The feeling that I am left on the shelf.

Sitting in my chair, day by day.
Reading, dozing my life away.

How do I get the energy back?
My brain is mushing, going blank.

Why am I not going walking?
Walking until my feet are hurting.

I could go out in the car,
Go a ride on a bus or train? Nah!

Why I am I not out gardening?
Why are my passions, leaving?

What about the Cinema? No.
I would rather watch T.V. So,

I will stay in my chair,
Where I can remember where I went,
what I did and with who, money spent.

© Marjorie Lacy May 2019.

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