Sunday 30 December 2018

May your coming Year, by Neil Gaiman.

“May your coming year
be filled with
good madness.
I hope you read
some fine books
and kiss someone who
thinks you’re
and don’t forget
to make some
art --
write or draw
or build or sing
or live as only you can.
and I hope,
somewhere in the next year,
You surprise yourself".

Neil Gaiman.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

The Advertising Blurb by marge.

The Hotel is the biggest place
       We could have ever stayed in

The Hotel offers its guests
       Everything they could ever need.

The Hotel is a “Dream Palace”
       An object of everyone’s fantasies.

The Hotel boasts of eight swimming pools
       Offering “watery delights” for all.

The Hotel has five sumptuous Dining Rooms,
       Catering for all appetites.

The Hotel has an Entertainments Programme,
       Giving endless fun for all ages.

The Hotel in its exotic location,
       Is beyond the pocket of most people.

The Hotel will have to stay in
       The Brochure and my imagination,
       Or, until I win the Lottery!

© Marjorie Lacy.

Sunday 16 December 2018

I am not doing what I should be doing by marge.

Each morning, I tell myself
The list of things to do today.
Things I like to do, want to do
Should do, the minutia of life.

Every day about five o clock
I evaluate my list, what can I
Tick off - the answer is none.
I have not vacuumed the carpets,
Or planted out some plants,

What have I done?
It is wet and windy today
The weather forecast is for worse,
I have made soup, written a poem
Written Christmas Cards,
Washed the clothes and dishes.

I have sat in my chair,
Looking at Facebook, writing comments,
Answered comments and emails.
I have communicated.
Surely that is good,?
My brain is working.

For tomorrow Sunday, the weather will
Be worse, I ask myself,
What will I not do? What surprising
Things will I do instead?
I know I will write, I do every day.
Maybe I will read, with a blanket
Over my knees.

© Marjorie Lacy.

Saturday 15 December 2018

Short Verses on theme of BELIEVE by marge

BELIEVE  -   Acrostic.  

Believe -  Believing - Believed
Excite - Exciting - Excited
Laugh - Laughing - Laughed
Interest - Interesting - Interested
Exhaust - Exhausting - Exhausted
Vouch - Vouching - Vouched
Enjoy - Enjoying - Enjoyed.

Believe in yourself
Excite yourself
Laugh at yourself
Interest yourself
Exhaust yourself
Vouch for your good name
Enjoy yourself.

Every day I believe I will wake up
Every morning I know I will find excitement
Somewhere in the day, I will laugh happily
There will be something interesting to do
I have to exhaust myself so that I can sleep
It is my hope that people will vouch for my good name
When I go to bed I will know I have enjoyed my day.

Believe HAIKU.

Believe in happiness
The sun will rise in the sky
Your day will be good

©Marjorie Lacy. 2018.

Friday 14 December 2018

Refuge by Stephen Boyce.

What washes up in the forest is no less
a wonder that the flotsam of oceans.
Take this skeleton of an upturned ark
stranded among a reach of ash trees,
beached in leaf litter, its ribs and spars
secured by a rigging of twiggy larch,
tangles of plaited honeysuckle, all
leaning in as though wanting to give ear
to silence, breath the wood's cool must.
Some Crusoe surely built this, laid limbs
against a fallen ridgepole, woven vines
and brushwood spread out a bed of brash,
learned how stillness is a state of mind,
here where things slither, drip and flinch.
Image may contain: plant, tree, sky, outdoor and nature

Thursday 13 December 2018

Changes by marge.


At New Year, we ring out the old
And ring in the new.

Do we change on 1st January?
We may wake up with a hangover

We may wake up with a Resolution
That we may keep or maybe not.

We resolve to change our weight,
To eat less, exercise more. Do we?

We go to the hairdressers and change our hair.
But it does not really change the person.

For a change, we go to another country for our holidays,
But we choose to find the English Bar then Fish and Chips.

There are the internal changes, we grow up - we age
Adolescence makes the teenage years difficult.

For women, the aptly named  ‘Change’
Does change us from confidence to nervousness

For men, they get their change, their mid-life crisis:
Which can have consequences as they try to regain youth?

And then, just for a change, I can mention the change
In your pocket…….

©  Marjorie Lacy.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

I Got Weighed Today 11.12.18. By marge.

I weigh myself every Tuesday,
“Just monitoring”, I say
I’m not obsessed you know,
I just need the scales to show.

That I have lost a little bit
BUT, the Scales show some wit
saying I have lost a stone,
But NO, they have no heart,
Its, them that do not do their part.

BUT, I have found a way,
To make them say
I have lost a pound this week,
It is to do with where I place my feet.

Feet apart, I am nine stone three
If I rush to the loo and have a wee.
Back on the scales, feet to the middle.
It tells me I am nine stone two.

Now you know, just like me
To lose weight, you have to see
Where you should place your feet
On the scales, keep them straight
Pointing out or to the middle
BUT,  you also need, It is a riddle,
Is it that rush for the wee?

© Marjorie Lacy Dec. 2018.

Monday 10 December 2018

Pomfret by John Lund. 1726-1788

Pomfret,     by John Lund, 1726-1788.

If situation hath a power to please
If air salubrious can give ease,
If spacious streets and handsome houses join’d,
Can satisfaction raise within his mind, -
If noble ruins mouldering with rust,
Where ancient monarchs mingle with the dust.
If gardens all around can please the eyes,
Embellished o’re with Flora’s painted dyes, -
If peace and plenty, which doth here abide.
(laying all pique and prejudice aside,)
If charms are these worthy of my song,
Come here, ye grave, ye gay, ye old and young,
Come here and view the subject of my theme,

Confess that Pomfret’s worthy of my esteem.

NOTE: Pomfret is the ancient name for
Pontefract, West Yorkshire, U.K.

Sunday 9 December 2018

Two men looked through Prison Bars by marge.

“Two men looked out through prison bars,
One saw mud the other saw stars”.

This has been something I have lived by
since I was 16 years old, I saw it in a
Readers Digest.

I liked the idea to look up to the stars
not only are they pretty to look at
they light up the night sky.

Astronomers study them, take them
seriously. Lovers gaze at them.
Promising their promises

You can find where the “Dark Sky”
places are, there to lay on your
back and look up and see
the Milky Way.

What a brilliant way
to end your day.
Seeing stars by the million...

Where ever you are,
whatever you do
remember to look up
and see the stars.
It’s good for you!!

©   Marjorie Lacy Dec. 2018.

Thursday 6 December 2018

Mount Teide, Tenerife, Espana by marge.

Mount Teide, Tenerife, Espana.

I stand where I have stood for millennia,
I look down and see, not my own people
Strangers called tourists, pale beings.
Whose aim is to look like a boiled lobster.

How I despair, you people do not care
You leave your litter everywhere.
I look down and see, your rubbish on my slopes.

You, tourists, come and take but, not to give
Is this really the way to live?
For years they have said as a volcano an
Eruption is due, shall I do it,  blow my top?
Make all and everything turn to stew?

How I despair, that people do not care.

I stand. I will stand, for yet more millennia.

Marjorie Lacy.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

I heard a Bird Sing by Oliver Hereford.

I heard a bird sing in the dark of December. 

A magical thing. And sweet to remember. 

We are nearer to Spring than we were in September.

I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.

Oliver Herford

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Somewhere over the Rainbow by marge.

Why? Oh, why? Is the rainbow so special?

We can see it, aware it's not there.

An illusion, a trick of the light

The colours are heavenly

It's shaped, a perfect arch.

A bright colour scheme on show

Red, orange, yellow. green, blue, indigo

                                       and violet.

Which is your favourite colour?

Mine is green, the grass, trees, and fields.

Perfect perfection in the rainbow.

What lies over the bright rainbow?

We’re told a crock of gold can be
                             found at the end.

The treasure for our heart and soul.

© Marjorie Lacy.