Tuesday 11 December 2018

I Got Weighed Today 11.12.18. By marge.

I weigh myself every Tuesday,
“Just monitoring”, I say
I’m not obsessed you know,
I just need the scales to show.

That I have lost a little bit
BUT, the Scales show some wit
saying I have lost a stone,
But NO, they have no heart,
Its, them that do not do their part.

BUT, I have found a way,
To make them say
I have lost a pound this week,
It is to do with where I place my feet.

Feet apart, I am nine stone three
If I rush to the loo and have a wee.
Back on the scales, feet to the middle.
It tells me I am nine stone two.

Now you know, just like me
To lose weight, you have to see
Where you should place your feet
On the scales, keep them straight
Pointing out or to the middle
BUT,  you also need, It is a riddle,
Is it that rush for the wee?

© Marjorie Lacy Dec. 2018.

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