Sunday 16 December 2018

I am not doing what I should be doing by marge.

Each morning, I tell myself
The list of things to do today.
Things I like to do, want to do
Should do, the minutia of life.

Every day about five o clock
I evaluate my list, what can I
Tick off - the answer is none.
I have not vacuumed the carpets,
Or planted out some plants,

What have I done?
It is wet and windy today
The weather forecast is for worse,
I have made soup, written a poem
Written Christmas Cards,
Washed the clothes and dishes.

I have sat in my chair,
Looking at Facebook, writing comments,
Answered comments and emails.
I have communicated.
Surely that is good,?
My brain is working.

For tomorrow Sunday, the weather will
Be worse, I ask myself,
What will I not do? What surprising
Things will I do instead?
I know I will write, I do every day.
Maybe I will read, with a blanket
Over my knees.

© Marjorie Lacy.

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