Wednesday 28 March 2018

A beautiful Sonnet, written by my friend Stella.

You and I ~ a sonnet

To weave the silken threads of you and I
soft satin love bonds blend persuasions seam
with fragile fondness breathed upon a sigh
as true as sun splashed sparkles bless life’s stream;
and from the spin of love lines on my loom
a prophecy, an ancient kiss is spun
to interlace and then to bring full bloom
amidst the lips of poets every one.
In whispers, woven strands embrace the bond
twixt spinning wheel and those who weave with word;
one voice, one soul, one precious love beyond
the song of sweet nirvana yet unheard.
Sublime the cloth of us lays velvet bound
and cradles cloaks with ling’ring love new found.

© Stella Armour 23-01-15.

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