Saturday 3 March 2018

Sunny Day in March by Olav. H. Hague.

"Sunny Day in March". 3 of 12

Even the weathercock turns with the sun on such a day.
It must be spring. Outside the cellar wall the cat
has found himself shelter. He's asleep, no doubt,
but his fur is well puffed up and his paws
well tucked under. A fly has been tempted out
from a crack in the warm plank wall -- starts
buzzing. Soon stiffens. It's too cold.

-- Olav H. Hauge

translated from the Norwegian by Robin Fulton

1 comment:

  1. I entered this poem when the weather was at its worst, we had Snow, Gales, Rain and Sleet all blown into the UK from Siberia!! It is good to think the Sun will come again.
