Sunday 16 September 2018

Please Accept Me by Alison Ramirez

Please Accept me 
I really am not dumb
It is my medication
That makes my mind go numb
They smooth out the signals
Calm my shattered nerves
Make my brain slower
Take away my verve
This is the choice I have
To live in ungodly pain
Or take my myriad pills
And live with a dulled brain
How I wish I could be normal
Think like I used to
But this pain has such a grip
I chose to seem a fool
Have some patience for my slowness
When you see me fail a simple task
Or struggle for my words
Some understanding is all I ask
The one who needs to understand the most
Whose frustration can't be measured
Is the one whose body has failed
Under all this pressure
I try to forgive myself
For always seeming dumb
But given the choice I have
I choose to be numb

Note: This poem was written in response
to the head and face pain - TN Neuralgia.

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