Saturday 16 February 2019

2 short pieces on "Self Care".

"Self-care means pausing and paying attention.
It’s asking yourself a lot of questions: How am I?
What’s working?
What’s not working?
Why am I stressed, sad, mad,
overwhelmed, feeling ashamed etc?
What can I change?
If I can’t change it, how can I cope?
if I can change it,
what do I do first?"

Ethan Somerman.

"Be amazed.
Take a step back and look at your life with gratitude every now
and then. Be amazed. Squeeze every last ounce of goodness out of
what is around you. Savour it. Soak it up. Luxuriate in it. Be amazed.
When you’re burned out, bone weary, and bedraggled, use
amazement to fill yourself back up.Seek out those situations,
people, and activities that remind you of what it means
and how it feels to be amazed."

Leslie Ralph

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