Tuesday 12 February 2019

Finding Gold Dust by marge.

Have you seen the fairies feet,
Spreading gold dust as they dance?

Have you seen the mothers face seeing
Gold dust in the light of her babies face?

Have you seen the puppies tail wagging
Gold dust all over your carpet?

What about the yellow light under your chin
Reflecting the gold dust from a buttercup?

What about the gold dust that fluffs out
The chicks and ducklings tiny yellow feathers?

We see the mother bird feeding her baby
We see the gold dust in the babies yellow beak.

We see the sun’s gold dust reflecting on the sea
Shimmering sunbeams from the sky to sea.

Have you seen the rainbow’s bright colours?
Gold dust shines out between the sun and the rain.

Have you seen the fairies feet
Spreading gold dust as they dance?

I know I have.

© Marjorie Lacy.

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