Wednesday 11 October 2017

Verses of different lengths.

Some short poems by other people. Taken from ‘Winning Words, edited by
William Sieghart.

  1. A Two Line poem by Robert Herrick.

The End.
Conquer we shall, but first, contend
‘Tis, not the fight that crowns, but the end.

     2. Three line poem by Leonard de Vinci.

He turns not back who is bound to a star
Obstacles do not bend me
Every obstacle yields to stern resolve.

       3.  Four line poem by Andrew Mitchell.

Celia, Celia.
When I am sand and weary
When I think all hope has gone
When I walk along High Holborn
I think of you with nothing on.

A five line poem - a Cinquain.

Is white
and very cold
Pretty as soft lace

Making angels in the drifts.

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