Saturday 14 October 2017

Writing about: A bar of Soap!!

Household object - Imperial Leather Soap.    26th January 2015.
The actual soap is cream coloured and oblong shaped. It reminds me of being a 1940’s child at home. Dad always liked Imperial Leather soap. Mum always bought us Green or Red, awful smelling soap for our use.

Still today, I buy Imperial  Leather for me. It has excess packaging, its outer layer is cardboard, that I can only remove by the fingerful. Its inner layer is clear, tight cellophane stuff, that I have to attack with scissors to get it off.  Once you do get in, there is the label embedded in the soap, it takes weeks of hand washing before the label comes off.

I love washing my hands using a bar of soap, I hate the liquid soap. To me you need to run the water until it is warm, then squidge the soap bar around between my hands under the running tap. It makes lots of frothy bubbles, then the perfume releases itself. Then more squidginess to do hand fronts and backs, in between the fingers, around the wrists. Drop the soap back into its place, before rinsing and drying my hands. Job well done!

Some soaps I’ve tried are egg-shaped and smoother, they don’t look or feel the same. They don’t bubble up offering no excitement. It's the same with the washing up detergent, although that bubbles up it does not give the same feel. I always have to go wash my hands after washing up. I find the oblong shape of Imperial Leather gives firmness and it is easier to grip when the bar is slippy.

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