Saturday 9 December 2017

1st October 2017 - Grandparents Day.
On the radio this morning, they were
talking about pet names for grandparents.
Some eleven years ago when our
grandson was about two years old.

He, without knowing it created a
A collective noun for my husband and I.
to him, we were “The Banmars”.
Grandad was always Grandad
who had to be looked
up to and obeyed.

I became Grandma Beep Beep, because
of the sound, the smoke alarm made when
it went off, I ran around like a mad woman,
waving a tea towel in the direction of the
offending noise, while shouting at it.
So terrifying the small toddler who had
to cling to his mother for safety!

His Grandma on his father's’ side
became, Grandma Bic Bic, because
when he visited her house, she fed
him on biscuits, so she was his
favourite Grandparent.

Later, I was to be ‘Silly Grandma’
when I put his shoes on the wrong
feet! That was a mistake that took
a very long time to live down.
It is surprising how the tiniest child
realises that he/she knows more
than the offending adult.

I am happy to say, our teenage
grandson is our friend and helper.
Now, calls me Grandma!
We look forward to his visits,
he will join in with all our activities.

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