Thursday 7 December 2017


S = Song.
O = Organ.
U = Euphonium.
N = Nurses.
D = Dogs.
S = Shoppings.

SONGS = Songs people sing,
birdsong, whale song
Choirboys sing Hymns, sometimes solos’
Choirs sing anything from Opera to X Factor.

ORGAN = The Organ at Blackpool Tower
comes up through the floor.
Mighty Church Organs,
can be fearful, noisy,
or soft, sweet and Bridal.

EUPHONIUM = A Brass Band instrument,
sounds wonderful in the summer, outside
on the Bandstand, happy people
enjoying the sunshine listening,
relaxing, and eating Ice Cream.

NURSES = Their shoes squeaking along
the corridor. Nurses look after people
who are attached to machines the count and beep.
They whispering, wake you up in the middle of the night
to take your blood pressure and temperature.

DOGS = Dogs, man’s best friend, can be
noisy, wuffing, growling and yapping their
welcome. They make insistent noises,
when asking for food, They slurp their
love for you all over your face and jumper.

SHOPPING = love it or hate it, we do it.
Wonky trollies clattering around the aisles.
Chattering women, crying children,
chattering tills. Cardboard thrown into
metal cages, people noisily shelf filling.

Sounds, some we hate,
loud noises that shock
Some we love,
soft kisses we exchange
before bedtime…...

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