Saturday 16 December 2017

My West Yorkshire Passion - DIVERSITY.

Luscious green dales fields, bounded by the jigsaw puzzle of
dry stone walls. Rivers, coming from tiny springs in the hills,
emerging as torrents of racing water power, taking your breath away.

Man’s feats of skill and back-breaking labour to build stupendous
Cathedrals, Minsters and castles. These equal the natural features
the Pennines’ crowning glories of Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough.

The Vale of York’s rich farmlands and pretty villages give way to the
Wolds. They roll onwards to meet wild coastline. Some threatened by coastal erosion, 

Scarborough and Bridlington, offer traditional ‘bucket and spade’
holidays, complete with donkey’s. Whitby, whose old Town is separated,
by the River from the Gothic Church and ruined Abbey on the hill. The town has links to Bram Stoker's’ book Dracula.

Yorkshire, once England’s power base and home of heavy Industry.
Which withstood a political battering, causing heavy industries to
give way to, incoming businesses of Distribution and Logistics.

Our strength now, is the diversity of peoples, from friendly natives,
to many nationalities making Yorkshire their home. Working as taxi and
bus drivers or hospital staff. Some opened ‘Take Away’ shops, causing
our beloved Yorkshire Pudding, to be overtaken by new favorite,
Indian Curries and Chicken Tikka Masala.

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