Sunday 24 December 2017

Trade Winds by John Masefield.

  • Trade Winds

    • IN the harbour, in the island, in the Spanish Seas,
    • Are the tiny white houses and the orange trees,
    • And day-long, night-long, the cool and pleasant breeze
    • Of the steady Trade Winds blowing.
    • There is the red wine, the nutty Spanish ale,
    • The shuffle of the dancers, the old salt's tale,
    • The squeaking fiddle, and the soughing in the sail
    • Of the steady Trade Winds blowing.
    • And o' nights there's fire-flies and the yellow moon,
    • And in the ghostly palm-trees the sleepy tune
    • Of the quiet voice calling me, the long low croon
    • Of the steady Trade Winds blowing.
    • John Masefield
  • Note: I heard this poem mentioned on the Chef Rick Steins' T.V., programme Weekend Away to Cadiz. I did a google search and found it. It reminds me of holidays in Spain.

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