Tuesday 30 January 2018

A Poem by my friend - Neville Raper.

Housey Housey House Plant
Never been outside Plant
Does he miss his chlorofil mates
Unedible and edible he sees on plates
I realise that I called him a he
I wonder what he thinks of me

I water him about once a week
I often sing, but always speak
I heard that this will help him grow
It might not work, I'll have a go

And if he grows so very high
Then I'll climb him up into the sky
Like Jack and his stalk I'll vertical walk
With goose and giant, I'll have a talk

I'll see if I can take the treasure
To spend and use to my own pleasure
But right now, he's two inches high
So I'll sing as I water supply

Neville Raper.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Roundhay Park, Leeds - A Little Part of Me.

A Little Part of Me. Roundhay Park, Leeds.

My mum first took me here,
Wheeling me in my pushchair.

In later years, holding mums’
Hand, we walked there.

We liked to go, to feed the
Duck and pat the donkeys.

With friends in the snow.
We walked, pulling our sledges

We sledged down the hill and
We threw snowballs and rolled.

With friends, on our bikes,
We went to see the cycle races

In a teenaged group, we went
Happily in a large, noisy group.

When in late teens, I went with
a boyfriend, courting, seriously.

After marriage, and leaving Leeds
I could only think of Roundhay Park/

Where I left a little part of me.

Memories to be kept within me, forever.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Mary Oliver: Mornings at Blackwater.

What I want to say is
that the past is the past,
and the present is what your life is,
and you are capable
of choosing what that will be,
darling citizen.
So come to the pond,
or the river of your imagination,
or the harbour of your longing,
and put your lips to the world.
And live
your life.
Mary Oliver, from Mornings at Blackwater

Thursday 11 January 2018

Flash Poetry

Flash poetry.

The  Seaside.
Sea, sand, kids and dogs.
Ice cream, hot chocolate.
Pizza for tea.
Don’t want to go home!

Moon, Oh! Moon,
Where are you tonight?
Behind the clouds,
Out of sight!

Seagulls hover,
watch you eating
You can see
What they are thinking.

There’s the sun gone again.
The sky’s gone dull, quick RUN!
Here comes the rain, rain, rain!

Furry Animals.
Do you like furry animals?
That you can cuddle and love.
Stroking their backs and ears.
Looking into their bright eyes.
And if they have one - see tails wag.

High in the sky a rainbow
Appears, so pretty after the rain.
Its bright arch has gold at its ends.


Each one of us has lived through some devastation, some loneliness, some weather superstorm or spiritual superstorm, when we look at each other we must say, I understand. I understand how you feel because I have been there myself. We must support each other and empathize with each other because each of us is more alike than we are unalike.
Maya Angelou

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Housey, Housey, Houseplant.

Housey Housey House Plant
Never been outside Plant
Does he miss his chlorofil mates
Unedible and edible he sees on plates
I realise that I called him a he
I wonder what he thinks of me

I water him about once a week
I often sing, but always speak
I heard that this will help him grow
It might not work, I'll have a go

And if he grows so very high
Then I'll climb him up into the sky
Like Jack and his stalk I'll vertical walk
With goose and giant, I'll have a talk

I'll see if I can take the treasure
To spend and use to my own pleasure
But right now, he's two inches high
So I'll sing as I water supply

Tuesday 9 January 2018

WW1 The Army is Recruiting.

WW1. The Army is Recruiting.

In 1914, the Army was visiting
Villages, looking for strong young
Lads. Necessary, for the War Effort.

They had to be strong lads, with a
Certain height and chest measurement.
Selecting the Villages best.

Parents happily signed forms.
Their son was ‘Doing his bit.’
Excited sons, looking forward to going.

The day came, A Band arrived to lead
The teenaged sons away from home.
Proud boys followed the band.

Trains took boys to camp,
For Basic Training. Officers taught
The boys to March and to ‘Know their place.’

Wearing new but ill-fitting Uniforms, nervous
New Recruits wondered what awaited
Across the English Channel in France.

‘It will be over by Christmas.’
Rang in their ears, anxious now,
Of thoughts of all left behind.

Landing in France, then marching,
Marching into the War Zones.
Bolstering up each other’s courage.

They cannot have imagined what
War was, or meant. The tree-less
Countryside, the Trenches and noise.

Going forward to Front Lines, to go
‘Over the top!’, their fears, the smell.
The knowledge that this day could be a last.

Death, destruction, demoralised and
Distressed boy soldiers remembered
Mum’s dinners and apple pie.

Unable to cope with the lack of comfort,
Some poor distraught boys ran away.
Not meaning to the desert but getting out.

The sick and frightened children were
Captured, returned to base, tried and
Sentenced to be Shot at Dawn.

Officers chose their Pals or colleagues
To join the Firing Squads and pull the triggers.
The Order was given, Bang! A boy dies.

Of those boys left behind, hopes and spirits
Die too, never to rise again. This War, that
Begun as an adventure turned into destruction.

What did the once proud parents and
Villagers feel like when they were
Informed the Village boys were
Shot at Dawn,

For Cowardice or Desertion.

Monday 8 January 2018

Early morning light

Early Morning Light.                                              (6.00 a.m., 18.8.17)

My coughing woke me up.
Unable to lay down any longer,
I collect my clothes
not wanting to disturb my
sleeping husband.

Stumbling down the stairs,
clinging to the bannister.

I make a cup of coffee
and take it into the
living room.

Opening the curtains
there it is, my street!

it is filled with early
morning light, brown tiled
roofs are flushed by the
rising sun.

The tree in the garden,
It’s lime green leaves turned
bright gold.

Looking down the street,
The sky is pink and golden.
Grey cotton-wool clouds dot
the sky.

The intensity of the
early morning light takes my
breath away.

The sun is not yet in sight
yet, but its power and
brightness make me know that
morning has broken.

Yes, it is worth being
awake so early to see

the sun rising.

Sunday 7 January 2018



I am not really talking behind
my husband’s back, BUT
He drives me mad on a daily

What would you like for your lunch?
I will ask, giving him three

On my menu could be:
Open sandwich with cheese
all he has do is to say ‘please’

But no, he pauses. Waiting
for another suggestion, maybe
nice boiled ham?

Still, he waits, what about
prawns mixed with
hard boiled egg?

That get’s his
attention, I’ll have
the egg and prawn!

When it comes to
dessert, we have the same

Which would you like?
fresh apple? Yoghurt with jam?
or, ice cream?

I can see his mind,
it ticks and whirls, he would
like all three -
but, that would be greedy!!

Eventually, he makes
up his mind, I think I’ll have
ice cream!

There is no discussion,
about our after lunch

Saturday 6 January 2018

Starlings Ballet.

Starlings Ballet.

Sitting in bed, drinking coffee
a couple of starlings flew past
the window, they circled the field
then, dropped down into the trees.

After a short time, they flew again,
Joined by three or four more, other
birds flying as quickly as they could,
to catch the others up. Around,
they flew, past our windows, over
the fields and trees, over our house.

The circle becoming wider and bigger,
round and round they went, sunshine
turning their undersides silver. Without
warning, they dropped down into
the trees, more and more, joining in.
when they flew up again, there must
have been a couple of hundred birds.

Turning and swooping, diving and
turning, evermore moves at
high speed, they turned and flew at
our window, at the last moment,
lifted to fly over the roof. We had
held our breath! They were safe,
back again to drop down into the trees.

This performance went on for
two or three hours, birds exercising
and strengthening their wings, all
the time improving their flying
skills. We felt we had witnessed
one of Nature’s miracles.
The starlings yearly aerial
Autumn Ballet.