Saturday 6 January 2018

Starlings Ballet.

Starlings Ballet.

Sitting in bed, drinking coffee
a couple of starlings flew past
the window, they circled the field
then, dropped down into the trees.

After a short time, they flew again,
Joined by three or four more, other
birds flying as quickly as they could,
to catch the others up. Around,
they flew, past our windows, over
the fields and trees, over our house.

The circle becoming wider and bigger,
round and round they went, sunshine
turning their undersides silver. Without
warning, they dropped down into
the trees, more and more, joining in.
when they flew up again, there must
have been a couple of hundred birds.

Turning and swooping, diving and
turning, evermore moves at
high speed, they turned and flew at
our window, at the last moment,
lifted to fly over the roof. We had
held our breath! They were safe,
back again to drop down into the trees.

This performance went on for
two or three hours, birds exercising
and strengthening their wings, all
the time improving their flying
skills. We felt we had witnessed
one of Nature’s miracles.
The starlings yearly aerial
Autumn Ballet.

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