Sunday 28 January 2018

Roundhay Park, Leeds - A Little Part of Me.

A Little Part of Me. Roundhay Park, Leeds.

My mum first took me here,
Wheeling me in my pushchair.

In later years, holding mums’
Hand, we walked there.

We liked to go, to feed the
Duck and pat the donkeys.

With friends in the snow.
We walked, pulling our sledges

We sledged down the hill and
We threw snowballs and rolled.

With friends, on our bikes,
We went to see the cycle races

In a teenaged group, we went
Happily in a large, noisy group.

When in late teens, I went with
a boyfriend, courting, seriously.

After marriage, and leaving Leeds
I could only think of Roundhay Park/

Where I left a little part of me.

Memories to be kept within me, forever.

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