Sunday 25 February 2018

A few Verses not meant to be Taken Seriously!!

Verses on Flu and Flew.

To Spain, we flew
For a week or two,
For rest and relaxation.
Back home we flew,
Guess who came too
What? The Flu!!

What can you do?
When you’ve got the flu
Sit it out with a tablet or two
Keep warm with plenty of tissues!

A bird down our chimney flew
Rattle, bang, crash, and squawk.
It landed behind our gas fire
Roy, not liking birds, was no help
What was I to do, what was I to do?
Well nothing, I couldn’t help it
poor dead bird, to heaven - it flew.

What to write about flew and flu,
I puzzled what to do, to do?
My head, unthinking, zippo
What can I write, what can I do
I don’t know, it’s up to you!!

And to finish:

A haiku to write
About atishoo, cough!
Pass me tissues !!

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