Friday 23 February 2018

The story of birds in my garden.

Tit birds in my garden.
My next door neighbour, Ray, has always
fed the birds, we have always watered them.
Then, one morning, Ray was run over by
an unlicensed, uninsured person in the
Library Car Park, The feeders soon emptied.
I thought I had better take over his job.

I went and bought a selection of food
and the holders, some suet squares.
Filling them up, I came indoors and waited.
No birds arrived, it took a few days before
the jeweled coloured Blue tits came.
They turned out to be so shy, if they
saw a movement in the kitchen
they hid in the dormant Hawthorne.

We were to be visited by Great tits,
long tailed tits, dull brown Sparrows,
the odd Blackbird fluttered frantically
trying to emulate the dainty Blue tits.
They ate so much, I had to quickly
restock the holders. It is such a joy
to watch the antic and jealous spats.
The squirrel joined in the feeding frenzy.

I saw Ray outside with a crutch, filling
his nut holders. He told me he “had
let me borrow his birds while
he we was out of action so I
could keep his birds a little longer”.
For a little time, we are sharing
His birds!!

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