Saturday 24 February 2018

MESSAGES. A poem written by a WWI Soldier.


“I cannot quite remember……
         There were five.
Dropt dead beside me in the trench
         And three
Whispered their dying messages to me…..

Back from the trenches, more dead
         Than alive,
Stone deaf and dazed, and with a broken knee
He hobbled slowly, muttering vacantly.

I cannot quite remember…..
         There were five
Dropt dead beside me in the trench
          And three
Whispered their dying messages to me…..”

Their friends were wondering
        How they thrive
Waiting a word in silence patiently…..
But what they said, or who their
         Friends may be.

I cannot quite remember…..there
         Were five
Dropt dead beside me in the trench
  • And there
Whispered their dying messages to me

Poem by Wilfred Wilson Gibson  (1905-1925)

Notes: The returned soldier, losing his memory
Partially deaf and dazed haunted by the memory
Of those who whispered to him before they died.
His was maybe the first known case of PTSD.

The spelling of "Dropt" is as the poet wrote it.

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