Thursday 1 February 2018

The bakers shop, end of January.

You go in  to buy bread,
standing there in the queue
you glance at the cakes,
buns and sausage rolls.

You resolved to lose
weight in the New Year,
but Oh! The temptations of
cream buns that look so good.

Temptation, but what harm
could one do? But NO!
I will stay firm - I will turn
away. Oh!! Sausage rolls.

Or, maybe a small Quiche?
That would have fewer calories.
Or maybe not, flapjack could
have less? Oh! It’s my turn.

“Um! Can I have a cream
bun please, Oh! and yes,
a sausage roll in a bag.
and a chocolate eclair, please.

What did I come in for?
Oh! Yes, it was bread!”

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