Friday 1 June 2018

Charles Waterton lived at Walton Hall near Wakefield, it is now an Hotel.

Author, William Makepeace Thackeray was a friend
of Charles Waterton and when the Naturalist and
Taxidermist died, Thackeray had this to say of those
who labeled his friend an 'eccentric.'

'It was eccentric to dine on a crust, to live as chastely
as a hermit, and give his all to the poor. It was
eccentric to come into a large estate as a young 
man and to have lived to extreme old age without
having wasted an hour or a shilling. It was
eccentric to give bountifully and never allow
his name to appear on a subscription list.
It was eccentric to be saturated with a love
of nature. It might be eccentric never to give
dinner parties, preferring to keep an always
open house for his friends, but it was a very
agreeable kind of eccentricity, and the world
would be a much better place if such
eccentricity were more common.'

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