Tuesday 26 June 2018

Garden at Evening-time 8.45 - 8.55 p.m. 25th June 2018.

I have Hay Fever,
Once the garden has been watered.
I sit, my breathing becoming
easier in the damp air. I feel the l
light breeze on my arms
I look around.

I see that in the still blue sky,
there are feathery clouds,
a shadowy almost full moon
waiting, waiting to come out.
Now that the sun is lowering,
the summer flowers in their tubs
are closing their petals, happy
the heat of the day is passed.

What do I hear? The Leeds to
London Train has just rattled
and banged its way passed the
back of our house, I can
I hear the traffic rumbling
passed on the nearby
By-Pass Road.
A more pleasing sound is
the baby Sparrow on the
roof calling for his mother
To come and feed him.

Bees living in a corner of
the Garage, from early light
they are busy going back
and forwards. I like the
sound of the

Busy, Buzzing, Bees.

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