Saturday 23 June 2018

Poems on the theme of Money by marge

Poems on the theme of Money.

You know it’s funny
About this thing
Called money
You’ve either
      Got it
     Or - not!

Money, Money, Money!
Sang Fagin as he hoarded it
Spend, spend, spend,
Said the lady from Castleford
As she went from rags to
Riches and back to rags.
Money, Money, Money!
Is no good in the Bank
So what is the point of
Keeping it, but you need
Moderation in all things,
Spend some, share some,
Money, money, money!
Keep some for that
“Rainy Day” or old age!

Money haiku

Money can make us
humans, happy or make them

Sad, too, too sad

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