Monday 25 June 2018

My Garden. FLOWERS by marge.

My Garden. FLOWERS.

Weeks ago, my garden was filled
with the vibrant colour of flowers.
Reds, blues, white and yellows,
Poppies, Cornflowers, Daisies.
A riot of wildflowers
in a suburban garden.

Our house is on a windy corner.
The long-stemmed flowers buffeted
this way and that, they couldn’t take
it and laid their pretty heads down.
The following heat wave finishing
them off.

Now all I can do is to cut them
down and dig the roots out.
The garden looks so sad as I go
about, clearing bed after bed.
I take seed heads off to save -
My hope of next years splendour.

NOTE: This is one in a series of poems about my Garden.

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