Wednesday 10 October 2018

I Can See Clearly Now by mauveone, 10.10.2018.

When I first started driving,
I had to have glasses,
I was
Twenty three years of age.

Now, at 80 years of age,
and two Cataract operations
later, the Optician has said

“Your vision is so good,
You are now 100% legal to
Drive night or day,
without glasses”.

Absolutely fabulous!
How crisp. How clear the
ridge tiles of the houses
opposite, the hedges,
fences and dogs.

How brilliant the sky is,
What a wonderful thing,
That after a few minutes of

Have created my new world,
Gone is the yellow fog
Now I do not need glasses

Well yes, I do, for reading,
I do read and write a lot.
BUT how happy am I?

Yippee, I can See!!

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