Tuesday 16 October 2018

Writer's Block by marge.

Writer’s Block.  
For eighteen months,
I have written every single day.
Little poems, epic poems,
Tumbled from my brain
Onto paper, without thought,
Without effort, almost
Writing themselves.
Little stories, epic experiences,
Written simply, written quickly.

Then, without warning:
The flow, it stopped, it went.

I was reduced to staring
At Blank paper, pen poised.
Blank paper and a blank mind.
My brain disengaged, its power lost.
My thought processes
Held in suspension.
My brain turned to mush,
Empty of ideas or, inspiration.

Will it come back?
Or, has it gone forever?

There is only one way to sort it.
Like when I was young
My mum said,
“You’ll sit there until you eat it!”
So, with my pad and my pen,
I’ll sit here until I write it.
If I can write a word,
A line, a Stanza.
Slowly my brain,
May see the light.

Might my writers' block free itself?
Before I know it,
My poem once started,
Will have a beginning,
Middle and a triumphant end.

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