Thursday 11 October 2018

Lady Depression Hovers! by Jan Holliday.

I can feel it like a noxious cloud.
Threatening to envelop and enslave,
I must take action, or drown.

Please, I beg treat yourself with respect:
Do what has to be done,
Walk away from the rest.

Dust doesn’t hurt, or eat anything.
Dishes in the sink, washing in a pile?
Dunk them in hot water,
Dormant, to soak until later.

Shower, bathe with scented lotions,
Dress up a bit, beads and lipstick
Perfume to give you a lift.

Go out, walking like royalty,
Head up, breathe in, blow out.
Look all around and about.
Shoulders back, pace evenly, at your pace.

From the door, down the path to the gate,
You’re unique, be brave, think proud
Go somewhere, it’s your world.
It belongs to you.

A Cafe, have a coffee, smile,
Smile at a stranger, say “Hello”
You may have met a friend,
That you don’t know yet

BIOG: I am 70 + Was made redundant, became depressed (again).
Went through self-neglect and all the rest. Started at a Writing Group,
After much encouragement and never looked back (I wish) but things

Are much better. Jan.

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