Wednesday 14 November 2018

Dark Hedges by marge.

The avenue of Beech trees
planted in the late 1770’s
To impress the visitors
Approaching Gracehill House.

Pretty whippy Copper Beech
Saplings in Springtime colour
Were splendid.

Over the centuries, have grown
To be so sleek and slender,
in maturity.

A joy to behold in the
Summer, shading the traveller
From dazzle.

In winter time we can see
Their snake-like sinuous
Curving selves.

their high canopy forming
A tunnel over the road
Showing off the bright orange
Autumn leaves.

NOTE: These spectacular trees
Have become a Tourist attraction
after being shown on the film

“Game of Thrones”.

It is worth googling to see photographs of the trees.

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