Monday 19 November 2018

The Reading Group, 10.11.2018. By maege

Today, I have been to my reading group,
there were not many of us there,
which sometimes, makes for a
better meeting, more people get
the opportunity to say something.
The quieter ones cannot hide
behind the more vocal ones.

While driving there, a vehicle came
level with me at the traffic lights,
emblazoned on its back and sides,
“Professional Dog Poo People”
“Yorkshire’s No. 1 in the Business of Dog No. 2”.
I just knew it was going to be
A very strange day.

When I walked into the meeting,
I did not get my usual welcome.
They were all discussing
the scandal revealed on the T.V.
“Did you see it?” they asked.
“No, what was it?” The reply by
the group of elderly ladies
was “We can’t remember, we
hoped you would know”.

I was happy, as an old lady
with confusion and word loss,
I felt right at home among
this group of elderly equally
confused Ladies. We did
get around to sharing
books we could recommend
written by foreign authors.

We all left, thinking about the
book we would like to read.
It was a coincidence that
when I was a Supermarket
shopping, I found a shelf
of donated books for sale
one by an Icelandic Author,
I thought It must have been
waiting just for me!

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