Tuesday 20 November 2018

War Horse and a Place of Peacr by marge.

War Horse and a Place of Peace Together.

It was 12th November 2018
When I visited this magnificent sculpture
He is hollow, you can see the sky
You can see the grass, hedges, trees.

As you approach, you see the head
The animals' size stops you in your tracks
You take a deep breath, look again
Your breathing begins again.

I felt I ought to speak, say
Something momentous, I gulped instead.
Tears pricked my eyes, does he know
I am overcome with emotion?

I need to do something,  get his photo
Proof that I have been and visited.
I take his photo from all angles, all sides.
Like on a real horse his hindquarters
Are strong.

Sloping upwards to his shoulders and
Arched neck, I am back at his huge head again.
The expression on his face is kind, even humorous
Unlike the formal real horses on Parade in London.

War Horses hooves have been man-made
To create the effect of a heavy horse.
To make him appear to be moving
0r, is it an optical illusion? It is your movement?

He looks at me, happy I have visited
Him in his unusual home,
A field beside the busy A645
In Featherstone, West Yorkshire.

NOTE: You park in the nearby Rugby Clubs
Grounds, and walk to see the War Horse.

©Marjorie Lacy November 2018.

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