Tuesday 20 November 2018

Wet, Cold Tuesday. 20.11.18 by marge.

We woke up to rain today
I don’t feel very well either.
There is no use in pretending
that today is not happening.

Almost Lunchtime and guess what?
It’s still raining, I don’t feel well.
At least the washing machine is
being busy, doing its spin cycle

Having dosed through the wash
I will have to move, hang the
washing in our little bedroom,
to dry. (Doesn’t everyone?)

Before I can hang the washing up,
I have to remove yesterdays’
dry washing, fold and put away.
Once wet washing hung up.

I can go back to my pity-party
sitting in my chair, looking out
at the garden to see our almost

leafless tree and Oh Yes! The rain.

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