Wednesday 27 September 2017

2 Conversations overheard.

Conversation - One.
Georgina was talking about her favourite book,

she said, “it was a book I read as a young girl, I absolutely loved it.”

Speaker two: “What book was that?”

“Oh, it was Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook. I have read it and read it, I cry all the way through it”

Speaker 3: “You must have liked it.”

“Yes, I did, the marriage of the couple in the book, was just like me and my husband. They separated and divorced, we separated and divorced. It was so sad. Even though we are divorced, he rings me every day. I told him about the book, even offered to lend him it. I dropped it through his letter box.”

“A few days later, when he rang up, I asked if he had read it?”

Husband: He said, “He had, he’d liked it and he had cried all the way through because it was just like us.”

Conversation 2.      Jenny’s Sunday Morning.

“I’d been to Church, I was on my way home, I passed the closed down Pub, then turned the corner, there was this fellow in a doorway on the phone with no clothes on”.

Speaker two: “What starkers! Nothing on at all?”

Speaker three: “How old was he?

“Well! he was a young one”

Speaker four: “Did he have a six pack?”

Speaker five: “What did you do?”

“I said ‘Good Morning. and kept on walking”.

Speaker Two: “What did he do?”

“Well! He kicked the door shut!”

Speaker Three: “I’ll come with you to Church next week!”

There was a chorus of: “Me, me too!”     “And me, we’ll all go”

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