Monday 25 September 2017


Down by the Bridge.

Jack and Jenny, were ten year old twins, they were on the bridge playing ‘pooh sticks’, dropping their stick on one side of the bridge and rushing to the other side to see if the sticks had come through safely. Jenny's sticks were winning and Jack was getting a bit cross. He suddenly shouted ‘Look! Look at that!’ from under the bridge came a hat, bobbing along the little rapids.

The hat looked like a ladies red and white large felt hat, it looked so out of place in the dark fast flowing stream. Jack was already scrambling down the bank, with a part of a branch in his hand. Jenny came over all motherly and shouted ‘Jack! Be careful! Don’t fall in’. Of course, whenever you say that to anyone, they promptly do it!

Jenny wasn’t concerned about him, knowing he could swim and the water was not very deep. Once in the water, it was not hard for Jack to stretch out his arm and rescue the hat.

Jenny went to the edge of the stream and leaned over, ‘Give me the hat’. ‘No! Said Jack, ‘I rescued it so it’s mine!’ He scrambled up the steep bank, the red and white hat plonked on his head, water dripping down his face, he set off running home, with Jenny trying her best to catch him up.

Puffing along, Jenny was shouting ‘Wait for me, Jack wait for me’. But Jack and his hat did not hear her.

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