Wednesday 6 September 2017

Night Fears.

The Deepest, Darkness of Night.

I sleep fitfully, seeing images,
restless, tossing, turning, far too hot.

Legs come out of the bedclothes,
arms fighting the duvet, seeking air.

My raggedly breathing, the rattling
wakes me, I feel fear. What is it?

Then, racking coughs as my lungs
try to clear themselves. No air, none.

I can’t breathe, I must get up!
I must get out. I must get up now!

Stumbling out of bed, need tissues!
Aware I have a temperature, water…

Stubbing toes, feeling my way, darkness.
Feeling for a glass and tap.

It runs, cold, cold water - relief.
The glass fills, I gulp it down.

I feel the heat leave my body
normalising, I can breathe.

out of the kitchen window,
deepest, darkness of the night.

I feel fear, will I survive?
My deepest, darkness illness?

Chilled, I must go back to bed.
A warm bed, I relax, I sleep.

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