Monday 20 November 2017

flash fiction - 300 words

Wedding Dress for Sale. Never worn.                                            

Marie was excited, John had asked her to marry him, they were feverishly planning the Wedding. John told her “I will provide your Wedding dress”. She was shocked, the choice of her dress was occupying all her thoughts. John was firm about it, telling her the dress would be brought to her by Courier on the morning of the wedding.

The day came, Marie paced the floor waiting for the Courier. A motorcycle pulled up at the gate. She rushed outside. The black leather clad figure handed her a box. Marie flew up the bedroom stairs, ripped the cardboard box open. There laid a cream dress. “Cream, cream, who wears a cream dress”? Tears began to roll down her face. Reluctantly, she decided to try it on. The dress slid over her head, she knew it was all wrong. It had a smell. The neckline was all baggy, the waistline drooped, the skirt hung like a wet lettuce.
Why did John think she would want this dress? It was so outdated. Marie looked sadly at her reflection in the mirror. No way would she wear this dress! Taking it off and folding it to go back in its box. A paper was sticking out of the tissue paper.
Once it was smoothed out, she saw it was an Invoice to Miss Aggie Brown.

Marie phoned John for an explanation,“Why have you sent me Aggie Browns dress? His reply shocked her, “Aggie never wore it, she died two days before the wedding. You looked so like her I wanted you as her replacement.” Maggie shouted at him, “I am not her replacement, I don’t want this dress, I don’t want you!” John said, “Sell it then!” Both phones cut off at the same time.

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