Wednesday 22 November 2017

The purpose of the ‘Blobs’.                          Personification
                                                                              September 2015.

The Snow Queen, called the Snow Blobs to her, to give them their last instructions before they went falling to earth.   She said ‘this group of blobs is unlike any other, they are the Elite Ones. You are constructed differently, you are formed to be moulded into snowballs and snowmen’. The blobs giggled excitedly, ‘they were special’, they were to be fun for children’. They could hardly wait!

The Queen’s men opened the Great Snow Doors.  On the Queen’s signal, the blobs went towards the opening and launched themselves into Space.   The noise of the Great Snow Doors closing, echoed in their ears.  The blobs hurtled earthwards, gaining in size, becoming snowflakes as their blobbiness flattened.

Nearly there now, they dropped through the sky,  floating silently to earth. They heard the excited chatter of the childish voices, happily talking about making a Snowman, running indoors to collect scarves and hats, a carrot for a nose, buttons for eyes. rushing outside to greet the snow’s arrival.

The Blobs purpose in life was about to begin.                                   

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