Wednesday 8 November 2017

The Plastic Bag.

The carrier bag is a very useful thing,
for carrying your shopping home.
Once they are empty…. what do
you do with them…  that is the thing??

Do you throw them in the bin?
hide them in a cupboard?
Do you fold them up neatly?
Blow them up and prick with a pin?

Do you let them have freedom?
To live a bag-life, blown by the wind.
So they can fly the thermals to
rival the birds in height and speed.

Is it good for them to have freedom?
Is fair to let them blow and whirl about?
What dangerous adventures they can
have dodging cars on the motorways!

Is it good for them to have freedom?
to be stuck in trees, to be deep in the sea.
To be put over heads of murder victims?
Or worse, the self-harm of suicides?

Plastic bags alone can live forever.
They do not choose to biodegrade.
What will the Geo-phiz of future
generations make of our plastic bags?

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