Wednesday 1 November 2017

SHE.   (Based on Wendy Cope’s There are so many kinds of awful men.)

All her life she had worked with men
Young, old, fat and thin, some single, some wed.
Sometimes they are funny, sometimes a pain.
Their main aim is to get you into bed.

You can clean, you smile, you make bread,
working long hours at a full-time job, Oh Men!!
“A woman's’ work is never done”, it’s so hard.
All her life she had worked with men.

The mans’ workday done - off to the Pub again!
“Wives are expected to stay at home,” he said.
“But cheer up, I’ll be home by ten!”
Good riddance to bad rubbish”, she said.

She complained to mum, who said
“You’re just fed up and miserable about men.
You’ve got to straighten your head”,
She would never ask her mum again!

Work was no better, the boss said when,
“Are you going to get yourself together
And earn some bread?”
She sought out her friend, they talked until ten
She didn’t get an answer, won’t ask again.

Sitting at home feeling sad and unloved
He opened the door, surprising her when,
In his hands was a bunch of roses, red
She had not thought he’d seen her dread
Their main aim is to get you into bed.

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