Sunday 5 November 2017

The Dog Walkers - Yorkshire dialect conversation.                                                 

It is a bright and sunny spring morning, Jean and Ben are meeting Joyce and Molly at the entrance of the dog walking field. The dogs Ben and Molly are miniature Schnauzers.

Jean is hurrying towards her friend, the two dogs fussing and greeting.

“Hiya Molly!! Morning Joyce, it’s a goodun today!”

“Nice to see you Jean, thought you weren’t coming.”

“Oh! its ‘er Molly had hidden ‘er lead agen, took us ages to find it”

“Come on then! Molly, Ben come on, we’re off!”

“Yes let’s get a move on Jean, Don’t want to be bumping into that Nigel. I hate

that Max he’s got. It's always after our Milly’s back end.”

“Joyce, Speak of the Devil, ‘he’s coming, Max has spied Milly! You putting ‘er back on  t’ lead?

“No, I’ll leave it to Molly to sort it out”

Jean and Joyce chorus together Oh! Nigel, Morning, didn’t see you coming!”

“Morning ladies, lovely day for it. I’ve had Max to Vets, he’s picked up sommat”

“What’s ‘e got then?

“That’s expensive, seeing t’Vet”

Barking and yelping can be heard,

“Max! Get ‘ere now!! Oh my goodness, there ‘e goes, I’d better get after ‘im, bye”

“Thank Goodness he’s gone! I can’t stand that awful beard, there could be anything living in it, what do you think Jean?

“I hate it too. All is I know he smells”

“What Nigel? I hadn’t noticed”

“No, you daft mare, I meant Max”

“Look out the dogs are back”

“Been off chasing rabbits, they’ll be ready for home now”

“Ben. Milly, come ON!…...

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